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Wage Remediation

National retailer accelerates wage remediation project

Industry: %%Retail%%

Employees: %%3,500%%

Agreements: %%General Retail Industry Award, Clerks Award, Storage Services Award and a Distribution centre enterprise agreement%%


A national retailer with several brands found historical issues in pay across the entire business through an internal review and decided they need to look back several years to make a back-payment. 


Due to the inherent complexity of this business, there was a significant risk that the project could experience delays and cost overruns, impacting both its timeline and budget constraints.


PaidRight’s tech-enabled wage remediation solution involved reviewing three modern awards and one enterprise agreement across various time and attendance and payroll systems. Working with our team and their legal partner, the customer completed the project in under 4.5 months.


The customer completed a complex project well ahead of schedule, enabling timely back-payments and a shift to proactive compliance efforts over remedial actions.

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