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National retailer identifies and fixes more than 50 payroll errors a fortnight

Industry: %%Retail %%

Employees: %%8,000%%

Agreements: %%General Retail Industry Award, Clerks Award, Storage Services Award and two enterprise agreements. %%


The payroll team relied on manually scrutinising thousands of timesheets and variance spreadsheets to identify errors, a labour-intensive process prone to oversight and inefficiency.


Numerous data errors led to inaccurate pay and gaps in payroll records. Additionally, manual checks were time-consuming, putting pressure on the payroll team to meet deadlines.


Payroll checks are now managed via PayPrecision workflow tools that instantly identify errors, allowing the payroll team to focus on actually resolving them.


This allowed them to build efficiencies into the 48-hour pay window, saving time for the payroll team and eliminating potential errors.

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